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a - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
The value of the alpha component (A).
a - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
A Point3F denoting the point A.
a - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
abs(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the absolute version of value.
abs(int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the absolute version of value.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_APERTURE_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Aperture Radius parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_CAMERA_LENS - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Camera Lens parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_EYE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Eye parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_EYE_X - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Eye X parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_EYE_Y - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Eye Y parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_EYE_Z - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Eye Z parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_FIELD_OF_VIEW - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Field of View parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_FIELD_OF_VIEW_X - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Field of View X parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_FIELD_OF_VIEW_Y - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Field of View Y parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_FOCAL_DISTANCE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Focal Distance parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_U - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis U parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_U_X - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis U X parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_U_Y - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis U Y parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_U_Z - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis U Z parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_V - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis V parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_V_X - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis V X parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_V_Y - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis V Y parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_V_Z - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis V Z parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_W - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis W parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_W_X - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis W X parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_W_Y - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis W Y parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_ORTHONORMAL_BASIS_W_Z - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the OrthoNormal Basis W Z parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Resolution parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_RESOLUTION_X - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Resolution X parameter in the float array.
ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_RESOLUTION_Y - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
The absolute offset of the Resolution Y parameter in the float array.
AbstractApplication - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.application
An extension of Application that adds a bunch of functionality such as scaling and cursor visibility.
AbstractApplication() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Constructs a new AbstractApplication with no title.
AbstractApplication.Setting - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.application
A Setting represents a setting that can be enabled or disabled.
AbstractKernel - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel
An abstract extension of the Kernel class that adds additional features.
AbstractKernel() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Constructs a new AbstractKernel instance.
AbstractSceneCompilerObserver - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler
An AbstractSceneCompilerObserver is an abstract implementation of SceneCompilerObserver that does nothing by default.
AbstractSceneCompilerObserver() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Constructs a new AbstractSceneCompilerObserver instance.
acos(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the arc cosine of value.
add(Color) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Adds color to this Color instance.
add(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Adds s to the R-, G- and B-component values of this Color instance.
add(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Adds r, g and b to the R-, G- and B-component values of this Color instance, respectively.
add(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Adds r, g, b and a to the R-, G-, B- and A-component values of this Color instance, respectively.
add(AngleF) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Adds angle to this AngleF instance.
add(Vector3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Adds v to this Vector3F instance.
add(Point2F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Adds point2F to this DynamicCompiledScene instance.
add(Point3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Adds point3F to this DynamicCompiledScene instance.
add(Surface) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Adds surface to this DynamicCompiledScene instance.
add(Texture) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Adds texture to this DynamicCompiledScene instance.
add(Vector3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Adds vector3F to this DynamicCompiledScene instance.
addBounds(Collection<Point3F>) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Adds the maximum and minimum bounds to point3Fs.
addBounds(Collection<Point3F>) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Adds the maximum and minimum bounds to point3Fs.
addBounds(Collection<Point3F>) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
Adds the maximum and minimum bounds to point3Fs.
addCameraObserver(CameraObserver) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Adds cameraObserver to this Camera instance.
addPrimitive(Primitive) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Scene
Adds primitive to this Scene instance.
addPrimitives(Collection<Primitive>) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Scene
Adds all Primitives in primitives to this Scene instance.
addSceneCompilerObserver(SceneCompilerObserver) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompiler
Adds sceneCompilerObserver to this SceneCompiler instance.
addTriangle(Triangle) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Adds triangle to this LeafNode instance.
amplitude - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The global amplitude.
AngleF - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.math
An AngleF encapsulates angles in forms such as degrees and radians.
applyGammaCorrection() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Applies Gamma Correction to this Color instance.
applyGammaCorrection(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Applies Gamma Correction to this Color instance.
applyToneMapping() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Applies Tone Mapping to this Color instance.
applyToneMapping(ToneMapper) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Applies Tone Mapping to this Color instance.
applyToneMapping(Color) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.ToneMapper
Applies Tone Mapping to color.
Arrays2 - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.util
A class that consists exclusively of static methods that operates on or returns arrays of various types.
asin(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the arc sine of value.
atan(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the arc tangent of value.
atan2(float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the theta component of the point (r, theta) in polar coordinates that corresponds to the point (x, y) in Cartesian coordinates.
average() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the average value of the RGB-component values of this Color instance.


b - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
The value of the blue component (B).
b - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
A Point3F denoting the point B.
b - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
BLACK - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
A Color denoting the color black.
BlendTexture - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture
A BlendTexture is a Texture implementation that blends two other Textures together.
BlendTexture(Texture, Texture) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Constructs a new BlendTexture instance.
BlendTexture(Texture, Texture, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Constructs a new BlendTexture instance.
BLUE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
A Color denoting the color blue.
BoundingVolumeHierarchy - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh
A BoundingVolumeHierarchy is an implementation of an acceleration structure called a Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH).
BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh
A LeafNode is a BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node implementation that represents a leaf node in a Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH).
BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh
A Node is an abstract base type used to represent a node in a Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH).
BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh
A TreeNode is a BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node implementation that represents a tree node in a Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH).
bytesToFloat(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns a float value based on four bytes.


c - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
A Point3F denoting the point C.
c - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Camera - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene
A Camera represents a camera in the scene from which to render an image.
Camera() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Constructs a new default Camera instance.
Camera(float[]) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Constructs a new Camera instance given array as the float array to store certain parameters.
CAMERA_LENS_FISHEYE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
A constant denoting the Camera Lens parameter value for a Fisheye camera lens.
CAMERA_LENS_THIN - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
A constant denoting the Camera Lens parameter value for a Thin camera lens.
CameraObserver - Interface in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene
A CameraObserver can be used to observe changes to a Camera instance.
center(Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the center Point3F given the bounds represented by a and b.
changeAltitude(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Changes the altitude of this Camera instance.
changePitch(AngleF) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Changes the pitch angle of this Camera instance.
changeYaw(AngleF) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Changes the yaw angle of this Camera instance.
CheckerboardTexture - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture
A CheckerboardTexture is a Texture implementation that models a texture with a checkerboard pattern.
CheckerboardTexture() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Constructs a new CheckerboardTexture instance.
CheckerboardTexture(Color) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Constructs a new CheckerboardTexture instance with a given Color.
CheckerboardTexture(Color, Color) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Constructs a new CheckerboardTexture instance with two different Colors.
CheckerboardTexture(Color, Color, float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Constructs a new CheckerboardTexture instance with two different Colors and scale factors in the U- and V-directions.
CheckerboardTexture(Color, Color, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Constructs a new CheckerboardTexture instance with two different Colors, scale factors in the U- and V-directions and the angle in degrees to rotate it.
CheckerboardTexture(Color, float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Constructs a new CheckerboardTexture instance with a given Color and scale factors in the U- and V-directions.
CheckerboardTexture(Color, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Constructs a new CheckerboardTexture instance with a given Color, scale factors in the U- and V-directions and the angle in degrees to rotate it.
ChromaticSpectralCurve - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve
A ChromaticSpectralCurve is an implementation of SpectralCurve that contains chromaticity pairs.
ChromaticSpectralCurve(float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.ChromaticSpectralCurve
Constructs a new ChromaticSpectralCurve instance given the chromaticity pair of x and y.
clear() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Clears the image with a color of black.
clear(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Clears the image with a color of r, g and b.
clear(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Clears the image with a color of r, g, b and a.
ClearCoatMaterial - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material
A ClearCoatMaterial is a Material implementation that represents a clear coat material that can be used for the surface of a car.
ClearCoatMaterial() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ClearCoatMaterial
Constructs a new ClearCoatMaterial instance.
Color - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.color
The Color class is used to encapsulate colors in the default sRGB color space.
Color() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Constructs a new Color instance denoting the color black.
Color(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Constructs a new Color instance given the specified components.
Color(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Constructs a new Color instance given the specified components.
Color(int) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Constructs a new Color instance given the specified RGB-value.
Color(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Constructs a new Color instance given the specified RGB-values.
Color(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Constructs a new Color instance given the specified RGBA-values.
ColorSpace - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.color
The ColorSpace class represents a color space.
ColorSpace() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.ColorSpace
Constructs a new ColorSpace instance.
compile(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Compiles this RendererKernel instance.
compile(Scene) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompiler
Compiles scene into a CompiledScene instance.
CompiledScene - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler
A CompiledScene represents a compiled version of a Scene instance.
CompiledScene(String, float[], float[], float[], float[], float[], float[], float[], float[], int[], int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Constructs a new CompiledScene instance.
configureMenuBar(MenuBar) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Called when the MenuBar can be configured.
configureMenuBar(MenuBar) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called when the MenuBar can be configured.
configurePixels(byte[]) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Called when pixels can be configured at start.
configurePixels(byte[]) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called when pixels can be configured at start.
configureStage(Stage) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Called when the primary Stage can be configured.
configureStage(Stage) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called when the primary Stage can be configured.
configureStatusBar(HBox) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Called when the status bar can be configured.
configureStatusBar(HBox) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called when the status bar can be configured.
configureTabPane(TabPane) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Called when the TabPane can be configured.
configureTabPane(TabPane) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called when the TabPane can be configured.
ConstantSpectralCurve - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve
A ConstantSpectralCurve is an implementation of SpectralCurve that returns a constant value.
ConstantSpectralCurve(float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.ConstantSpectralCurve
Constructs a new ConstantSpectralCurve instance.
ConstantTexture - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture
A ConstantTexture is a Texture implementation that models a texture with a constant color.
ConstantTexture() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
Constructs a new ConstantTexture instance.
ConstantTexture(Color) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
Constructs a new ConstantTexture instance given a Color as its color.
constrain() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Constrains this Color instance to be representable.
convertRGBToLinear(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Converts the RGB-component values of rGB from non-linear to linear representations.
convertRGBToNonLinear(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Converts the RGB-component values of rGB from linear to non-linear representations.
convertRGBToXYZ(Color) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Converts color from the RGB color space to the XYZ color space.
convertXYZToRGB(Color) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Converts color from the XYZ color space to the RGB color space.
ConvolutionKernel - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel
A ConvolutionKernel is a Kernel that updates an image with convolution-based image effects.
ConvolutionKernel(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.ConvolutionKernel
Constructs a new ConvolutionKernel instance.
cos(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the trigonometric cosine of angle.
cosDegrees(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the cosine of the angle degrees.
cosRadians(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the cosine of the angle radians.
cosTable - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The cosine table (array) used by this AbstractKernel instance.
createBoundingVolumeHierarchy(List<Triangle>) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy
Creates a BoundingVolumeHierarchy based on a List of Triangles.
crossProduct(Vector3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Computes the cross product between this Vector3F instance and v.
CYAN - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
A Color denoting the color cyan.


DayflowerApplication - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.main
An implementation of AbstractApplication that performs Ambient Occlusion, Path Tracing, Ray Casting, Ray Marching or Ray Tracing.
DayflowerApplication() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Constructs a new TestApplication instance.
DEFAULT_GAMMA - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
The default gamma used in gamma correction.
degrees - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
The angle in degrees.
degrees(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a new AngleF instance based on an angle in degrees.
degrees(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a new AngleF instance based on an angle in degrees and an interval of valid degrees.
degreesMaximum - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
The maximum angle in degrees.
degreesMinimum - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
The minimum angle in degrees.
determinant() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the determinant of this Matrix44F instance.
direction(float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a Vector3F based on the U- and V-coordinates u and v.
direction(Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a Vector3F pointing in the direction from eye to lookAt.
disable() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Disables this Setting instance.
distanceTo(Point3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the distance from this Point3F to p.
distanceToSquared(Point3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the distance from this Point3F to p in squared form.
divide(Color) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Divides this Color instance with color.
divide(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Divides the R-, G- and B-component values of this Color instance with s.
divide(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Divides the R-, G- and B-component values of this Color instance with r, g and b, respectively.
divide(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Divides the R-, G-, B- and A-component values of this Color instance with r, g, b and a, respectively.
divide(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Divides this Vector3F instance by s.
dotProduct(Vector3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns the dot product between this Vector3F instance and v.
drawCircle(int, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a circle with a center point of x and y and a radius of radius, with a color of black.
drawCircle(int, int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a circle with a center point of x and y and a radius of radius, with a color of r, g and b.
drawCircle(int, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a circle with a center point of x and y and a radius of radius, with a color of r, g, b and a.
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a line from startX and startY to endX and endY, with a color of black.
drawLine(int, int, int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a line from startX and startY to endX and endY, with a color of r, g and b.
drawLine(int, int, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a line from startX and startY to endX and endY, with a color of r, g, b and a.
drawRectangle(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a rectangle from x and y to x + w - 1 and y + h - 1, with a color of black.
drawRectangle(int, int, int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a rectangle from x and y to x + w - 1 and y + h - 1, with a color of r, g and b.
drawRectangle(int, int, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a rectangle from x and y to x + w - 1 and y + h - 1, with a color of r, g, b and a.
drawTriangle(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a triangle from three points, denoted A, B and C, with a color of black.
drawTriangle(int, int, int, int, int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a triangle from three points, denoted A, B and C, with a color of r, g and b.
drawTriangle(int, int, int, int, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Draws a triangle from three points, denoted A, B and C, with a color of r, g, b and a.
DynamicCompiledScene - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler
A DynamicCompiledScene represents a dynamic and compiled version of a Scene instance.
DynamicCompiledScene() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Constructs a new DynamicCompiledScene instance.
DynamicCompiledSceneTest - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.test


element00 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 0 or row 0 and column 0.
element01 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 1 or row 0 and column 1.
element02 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 2 or row 0 and column 2.
element03 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 3 or row 0 and column 3.
element10 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 4 or row 1 and column 0.
element11 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 5 or row 1 and column 1.
element12 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 6 or row 1 and column 2.
element13 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 7 or row 1 and column 3.
element20 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 8 or row 2 and column 0.
element21 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 9 or row 2 and column 1.
element22 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 10 or row 2 and column 2.
element23 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 11 or row 2 and column 3.
element30 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 12 or row 3 and column 0.
element31 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 13 or row 3 and column 1.
element32 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 14 or row 3 and column 2.
element33 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
The element at index 15 or row 3 and column 3.
enable() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Enables this Setting instance.
enableBlur() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.ConvolutionKernel
Enables the Blur effect.
enableDetectEdges() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.ConvolutionKernel
Enables the Detect Edges effect.
enableEmboss() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.ConvolutionKernel
Enables the Emboss effect.
enableGradientHorizontal() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.ConvolutionKernel
Enables the Horizontal Gradient effect.
enableGradientVertical() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.ConvolutionKernel
Enables the Vertical Gradient effect.
enableSharpen() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.ConvolutionKernel
Enables the Sharpen effect.
enter() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Enters the FPS-game mode.
EPSILON - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
A very small number.
EPSILON - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
An epsilon value.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Compares object to this Setting instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Compares object to this Color instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Compares object to this AngleF instance for equality.
equals(float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Compares a and b for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Compares object to this Matrix44F instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Compares object to this OrthoNormalBasis33F instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point2F
Compares object to this Point2F instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Compares object to this Point3F instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Compares object to this Vector3F instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy
Compares object to this BoundingVolumeHierarchy instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Compares object to this LeafNode instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
Compares object to this TreeNode instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ClearCoatMaterial
Compares object to this ClearCoatMaterial instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.GlassMaterial
Compares object to this GlassMaterial instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.LambertianMaterial
Compares object to this LambertianMaterial instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.PhongMaterial
Compares object to this PhongMaterial instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ReflectionMaterial
Compares object to this ReflectionMaterial instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Compares object to this Primitive instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
Compares object to this Plane instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
Compares object to this Sphere instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
Compares object to this Terrain instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Compares object to this Triangle instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Compares object to this Vertex instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Compares object to this TriangleMesh instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
Compares object to this Surface instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Compares object to this BlendTexture instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Compares object to this CheckerboardTexture instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
Compares object to this ConstantTexture instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Compares object to this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Compares object to this ImageTexture instance for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
Compares object to this SurfaceNormalTexture instance for equality.
exit() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Call this method when it's time to exit.
exp() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns a new Color instance with Euler's number e raised to the power of each RGB-component value.
exp(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of exponent.


fieldOfView(float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a Field of View (FoV) AngleF based on focalDistance and resolution.
Files - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.util
A class that consists exclusively of static methods that operates on or returns Files.
fillCircle(int, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Fills a circle with a center point of x and y and a radius of radius, with a color of black.
fillCircle(int, int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Fills a circle with a center point of x and y and a radius of radius, with a color of r, g and b.
fillCircle(int, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Fills a circle with a center point of x and y and a radius of radius, with a color of r, g, b and a.
fillRectangle(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Fills a rectangle from x and y to x + w - 1 and y + h - 1, with a color of black.
fillRectangle(int, int, int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Fills a rectangle from x and y to x + w - 1 and y + h - 1, with a color of r, g and b.
fillRectangle(int, int, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Fills a rectangle from x and y to x + w - 1 and y + h - 1, with a color of r, g, b and a.
fillTriangle(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Fills a triangle from three points, denoted A, B and C, with a color of black.
fillTriangle(int, int, int, int, int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Fills a triangle from three points, denoted A, B and C, with a color of r, g and b.
fillTriangle(int, int, int, int, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Fills a triangle from three points, denoted A, B and C, with a color of r, g, b and a.
filmicCurve() - Static method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.ToneMapper
Returns a ToneMapper that implements the Filmic Curve Tone Mapping operator.
findNextFile(File, String) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Files
Returns a File that denotes a file that does not currently exist.
flipU() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Flips the U-direction.
flipV() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Flips the V-direction.
flipW() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Flips the W-direction.
FloatArrayThreadLocal - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.util
A FloatArrayThreadLocal is a ThreadLocal that provides thread-local float arrays.
FloatArrayThreadLocal(int) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.FloatArrayThreadLocal
Constructs a new FloatArrayThreadLocal instance.
floor(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) float value that is less than or equal to value and is equal to a mathematical integer.
forward(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Moves this Camera instance forward (or backward) with distance units.
FPSCounter - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.util
An FPSCounter is used for calculating frames per second (FPS).
FPSCounter() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.FPSCounter
Constructs a new FPSCounter instance.
FractionalBrownianMotionTexture - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture
A FractionalBrownianMotionTexture is a Texture implementation that uses fractional Brownian motion (fBm) to compute its image data.
FractionalBrownianMotionTexture(Color, Color, float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Constructs a new FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance.
frequency - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The global frequency.
fromOrthoNormalBasis(OrthoNormalBasis33F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a new Matrix44F from an OrthoNormalBasis33F.


g - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
The value of the green component (G).
gain - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The global gain.
get() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.ConvolutionKernel
Returns the image array from the GPU.
getA() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the value of the A component.
getA() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
Returns the point A.
getA() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Returns the Triangle.Vertex denoted by A.
getA(int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns the A-component of the color at x and y as a float in the range [0.0, 1.0].
getAddend() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Returns the addend assigned to this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance.
getAmplitude() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the global amplitude.
getApertureRadius() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the Aperture Radius parameter.
getArray() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the float array that stores certain parameters.
getArray() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns a clone of the array that stores the colors.
getB() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the value of the B component.
getB() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
Returns the point B.
getB() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Returns the Triangle.Vertex denoted by B.
getB(int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns the B-component of the color at x and y as a float in the range [0.0, 1.0].
getBoundingVolumeHierarchies() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled BoundingVolumeHierarchy instances.
getBreakPoint() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the break point.
getBW() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the BW component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getBX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the BX component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getBY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the BY component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getBZ() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the BZ component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getC() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
Returns the point C.
getC() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Returns the Triangle.Vertex denoted by C.
getCamera() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the Camera instance assigned to this RendererKernel instance.
getCamera() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing the compiled Camera instance.
getCamera() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Scene
Returns the Camera instance used by this Scene instance.
getCanvasHeight() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns the canvas height.
getCanvasWidth() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns the canvas width.
getCenter() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns a Point3F with the center of the bounds of this Node instance.
getCenterX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns the X-coordinate of the center of the bounds of this Node instance.
getCenterY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns the Y-coordinate of the center of the bounds of this Node instance.
getCenterZ() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns the Z-coordinate of the center of the bounds of this Node instance.
getColHistogram() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the column histogram.
getColor() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
Returns the Color assigned to this ConstantTexture instance.
getColor0() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Returns one of the two Colors assigned to this CheckerboardTexture instance.
getColor1() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Returns one of the two Colors assigned to this CheckerboardTexture instance.
getCompiledScene() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the CompiledScene.
getComponentCount() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns the component count of this ArrayComponentOrder instance.
getComponentCount() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns the component count of this PackedIntComponentOrder instance.
getData() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns the data of the image as an int array.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns the length of the data in this ImageTexture instance.
getDegrees() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns the angle in degrees.
getDegrees() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Returns the angle in degrees that this CheckerboardTexture instance should be rotated.
getDegrees() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns the angle in degrees that this ImageTexture instance should be rotated.
getDegreesMaximum() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns the maximum angle in degrees.
getDegreesMinimum() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns the minimum angle in degrees.
getDepth() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns the depth of this Node instance.
getDirectory() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader.SceneLoader
Returns a File with the root directory.
getElement00() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 0 or row 0 and column 0.
getElement01() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 1 or row 0 and column 1.
getElement02() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 2 or row 0 and column 2.
getElement03() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 3 or row 0 and column 3.
getElement10() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 4 or row 1 and column 0.
getElement11() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 5 or row 1 and column 1.
getElement12() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 6 or row 1 and column 2.
getElement13() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 7 or row 1 and column 3.
getElement20() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 8 or row 2 and column 0.
getElement21() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 9 or row 2 and column 1.
getElement22() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 10 or row 2 and column 2.
getElement23() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 11 or row 2 and column 3.
getElement30() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 12 or row 3 and column 0.
getElement31() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 13 or row 3 and column 1.
getElement32() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 14 or row 3 and column 2.
getElement33() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns the element at index 15 or row 3 and column 3.
getExponent() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.PhongMaterial
Returns the exponent of this PhongMaterial instance.
getEyeX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the Eye X parameter.
getEyeY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the Eye Y parameter.
getEyeZ() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the Eye Z parameter.
getFactor() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Returns the blend factor.
getFieldOfViewX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the Field of View X parameter.
getFieldOfViewY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the Field of View Y parameter.
getFocalDistance() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the Focal Distance parameter.
getFPS() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.FPSCounter
Returns the current FPS.
getFPSCounter() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns the FPSCounter associated with this AbstractApplication.
getFrameTimeMillis() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.FPSCounter
Returns the milliseconds since the last update.
getFrequency() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the global frequency.
getFrequency() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
Returns the frequency of this Terrain instance.
getFrequency() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Returns the frequency assigned to this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance.
getG() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the value of the G component.
getG(int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns the G-component of the color at x and y as a float in the range [0.0, 1.0].
getGain() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the global gain.
getGain() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
Returns the gain of this Terrain instance.
getGain() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Returns the gain assigned to this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance.
getGamma() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the gamma value.
getGW() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the GW component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getGX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the GX component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getGY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the GY component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getGZ() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the GZ component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getHeight() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the height.
getHeight() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns the height of this ImageTexture instance.
getHours() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns the hours that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and now.
getHours(long) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns the hours that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and milliseconds.
getImageHistogram() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the image histogram.
getImageHistogramHeight() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the image histogram height.
getImageHistogramWidth() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the image histogram width.
getJacobian() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the Jacobian.
getKernelHeight() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns the kernel height.
getKernelWidth() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns the kernel width.
getLacunarity() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the global lacunarity.
getLeft() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
Returns an Optional with the optional left BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node.
getMaterial() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
Returns the Material of this Surface instance.
getMaximum() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns a Point3F with the maximum bound of this Node instance.
getMaximum() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
Returns the maximum of this Terrain instance.
getMaximumX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns the X-coordinate of the maximum bound of this Node instance.
getMaximumY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns the Y-coordinate of the maximum bound of this Node instance.
getMaximumZ() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns the Z-coordinate of the maximum bound of this Node instance.
getMinimum() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns a Point3F with the minimum bound of this Node instance.
getMinimum() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
Returns the minimum of this Terrain instance.
getMinimumX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns the X-coordinate of the minimum bound of this Node instance.
getMinimumY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns the Y-coordinate of the minimum bound of this Node instance.
getMinimumZ() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns the Z-coordinate of the minimum bound of this Node instance.
getMinutes() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns the minutes that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and now.
getMinutes(long) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns the minutes that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and milliseconds.
getMinutesRemaining() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns the minutes that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and now, excluding the minutes that are represented by full hours.
getMinutesRemaining(long) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns the minutes that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and milliseconds, excluding the minutes that are represented by full hours.
getMouseX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns the X-coordinate of the mouse.
getMouseY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns the Y-coordinate of the mouse.
getMultiplier() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Returns the multiplier assigned to this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance.
getName() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Returns the name of this Setting instance.
getName() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the name of this CompiledScene instance.
getName() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader.SceneLoader
Returns the scene name.
getName() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Scene
Returns the name of this Scene instance.
getNoiseAmount() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
Returns the Noise amount of this Surface instance.
getNoiseScale() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
Returns the Noise scale of this Surface instance.
getNormal() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Returns the normal of this Vertex instance.
getObjectToWorld() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Returns the Matrix44F to transform from object-space to world-space.
getOctaves() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the global octaves.
getOctaves() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
Returns the octaves of this Terrain instance.
getOctaves() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Returns the octaves assigned to this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance.
getOffsetA() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns the offset for the A-component, or -1 if it does not have one.
getOffsetB() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns the offset for the B-component, or -1 if it does not have one.
getOffsetG() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns the offset for the G-component, or -1 if it does not have one.
getOffsetR() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns the offset for the R-component, or -1 if it does not have one.
getOrthoNormalBasis() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the current OrthoNormalBasis33F.
getOrthoNormalBasisUX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the OrthoNormal Basis U X parameter.
getOrthoNormalBasisUY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the OrthoNormal Basis U Y parameter.
getOrthoNormalBasisUZ() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the OrthoNormal Basis U Z parameter.
getOrthoNormalBasisVX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the OrthoNormal Basis V X parameter.
getOrthoNormalBasisVY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the OrthoNormal Basis V Y parameter.
getOrthoNormalBasisVZ() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the OrthoNormal Basis V Z parameter.
getOrthoNormalBasisWX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the OrthoNormal Basis W X parameter.
getOrthoNormalBasisWY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the OrthoNormal Basis W Y parameter.
getOrthoNormalBasisWZ() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the OrthoNormal Basis W Z parameter.
getPerezRelativeLuminance() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the Perez relative luminance.
getPerezX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the Perez X.
getPerezY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the Perez Y.
getPitch() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns an AngleF with the current pitch angle.
getPixels() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the byte array with the pixels.
getPlanes() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled Plane instances.
getPoint2Fs() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled Point2F instances.
getPoint3Fs() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled Point3F instances.
getPosition() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
Returns the center position of this Sphere.
getPosition() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Returns the position of this Vertex instance.
getPrimitiveOffsetsForPrimaryRay() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the primitive offsets for all primary rays.
getPrimitives() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled Primitive instances.
getPrimitives() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Scene
Returns a List with all currently added Primitives.
getPrimitivesEmittingLight() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled Primitive instances that emits light.
getR() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the value of the R component.
getR(int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns the R-component of the color at x and y as a float in the range [0.0, 1.0].
getRadians() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns the angle in radians.
getRadiansMaximum() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns the maximum angle in radians.
getRadiansMinimum() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns the minimum angle in radians.
getRadius() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
Returns the radius of this Sphere.
getRendererAOMaximumDistance() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the maximum distance for Ambient Occlusion.
getRendererPTRayDepthMaximum() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the maximum ray depth for Path Tracing.
getRendererPTRayDepthRussianRoulette() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the ray depth to begin Russian Roulette path termination for Path Tracing.
getResolutionX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the Resolution X parameter.
getResolutionX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns the resolution along the X-axis, also known as the width.
getResolutionY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns the value of the Resolution Y parameter.
getResolutionY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns the resolution along the Y-axis, also known as the height.
getRight() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
Returns an Optional with the optional right BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node.
getRoot() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy
Returns the root BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node of this BoundingVolumeHierarchy instance.
getRW() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the RW component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getRX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the RX component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getRY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the RY component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getRZ() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the RZ component of the matrix that converts from RGB color space to XYZ color space.
getS0XYZ() - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.ChromaticSpectralCurve
Returns a float array with the RGB-values of S0XYZ.
getS1XYZ() - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.ChromaticSpectralCurve
Returns a float array with the RGB-values of S1XYZ.
getS2XYZ() - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.ChromaticSpectralCurve
Returns a float array with the RGB-values of S2XYZ.
getSamples() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the sample count.
getScaleU() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Returns the scale factor in the U-direction assigned to this CheckerboardTexture instance.
getScaleU() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns the scale factor in the U-direction assigned to this ImageTexture instance.
getScaleV() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Returns the scale factor in the V-direction assigned to this CheckerboardTexture instance.
getScaleV() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns the scale factor in the V-direction assigned to this ImageTexture instance.
getScene() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the Scene instance assigned to this RendererKernel instance.
getSeconds() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns the seconds that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and now.
getSeconds(long) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns the seconds that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and milliseconds.
getSecondsRemaining() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns the seconds that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and now, excluding the seconds that are represented by full hours and minutes.
getSecondsRemaining(long) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns the seconds that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and milliseconds, excluding the seconds that are represented by full hours and minutes.
getSegmentOffset() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the segment offset.
getSelectedPrimitiveOffset() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the selected primitive offset.
getShape() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Returns the Shape assigned to this Primitive instance.
getShiftA() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns the shift for the A-component, or -1 if it does not have one.
getShiftB() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns the shift for the B-component, or -1 if it does not have one.
getShiftG() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns the shift for the G-component, or -1 if it does not have one.
getShiftR() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns the shift for the R-component, or -1 if it does not have one.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Returns the size of this LeafNode instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns the size of this Node instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
Returns the size of this TreeNode instance.
getSize() - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Shape
Returns the size of this Shape instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
Returns the size of this Plane instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
Returns the size of this Sphere instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
Returns the size of this Terrain instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Returns the size of this Triangle instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Returns the size of this TriangleMesh instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Returns the size of this BlendTexture instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Returns the size of this CheckerboardTexture instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
Returns the size of this ConstantTexture instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Returns the size of this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance.
getSize() - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Texture
Returns the size of this Texture instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns the size of this ImageTexture instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
Returns the size of this SurfaceNormalTexture instance.
getSky() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Scene
Returns the Sky instance used by this Scene instance.
getSlope() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the slope.
getSlopeMatch() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the slope match.
getSpheres() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled Sphere instances.
getSunColor() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns a Color with the color of the sun.
getSunDirection() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns a Vector3F with the sun direction in local-space.
getSunDirectionWorld() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns a Vector3F with the sun direction in world-space.
getSunOrigin() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns a Point3F with the sun origin.
getSurface() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Returns the Surface assigned to this Primitive instance.
getSurfaceNormal() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
Returns the surface normal.
getSurfaces() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled Surface instances.
getTerrains() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled Terrain instances.
getTextureA() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Returns the Texture denoted by A.
getTextureAlbedo() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
Returns the Albedo Texture of this Surface instance.
getTextureB() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Returns the Texture denoted by B.
getTextureCoordinates() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Returns the texture coordinates of this Vertex instance.
getTextureEmission() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
Returns the Emission Texture of this Surface instance.
getTextureNormal() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
Returns the Normal Map Texture of this Surface instance.
getTextures() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled Texture instances.
getTheta() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the Theta angle.
getTime() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns a String with the hours, minutes and seconds that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and now.
getTime(long) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Returns a String with the hours, minutes and seconds that have passed between the time at which this Timer instance was started or restarted and milliseconds.
getToneMapperExposure() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the exposure for the Tone Mappers.
getTriangles() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Returns a List with the Triangles currently added.
getTriangles() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled Triangle instances.
getTriangles() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Returns a List with all Triangles added to this TriangleMesh instance.
getTurbidity() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the turbidity.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ClearCoatMaterial
Returns the type of this ClearCoatMaterial instance.
getType() - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Material
Returns the type of this Material instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.GlassMaterial
Returns the type of this GlassMaterial instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.LambertianMaterial
Returns the type of this LambertianMaterial instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.PhongMaterial
Returns the type of this PhongMaterial instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ReflectionMaterial
Returns the type of this ReflectionMaterial instance.
getType() - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Shape
Returns the type of this Shape instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
Returns the type of this Plane instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
Returns the type of this Sphere instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
Returns the type of this Terrain instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Returns the type of this Triangle instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Returns the type of this TriangleMesh instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Returns the type of this BlendTexture instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Returns the type of this CheckerboardTexture instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
Returns the type of this ConstantTexture instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Returns the type of this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance.
getType() - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Texture
Returns the type of this Texture instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns the type of this ImageTexture instance.
getType() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
Returns the type of this SurfaceNormalTexture instance.
getU() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Returns the Vector3F pointing in the U-direction.
getV() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Returns the Vector3F pointing in the V-direction.
getVector3Fs() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Returns the array containing all the compiled Vector3F instances.
getW() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Returns the Vector3F pointing in the W-direction.
getWidth() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns the width.
getWidth() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns the width of this ImageTexture instance.
getWorldToObject() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Returns the Matrix44F to transform from world-space to object-space.
getXB() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the XB component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
getXG() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the XG component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
getXR() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the XR component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
getXW() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the XW component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
getXYZ(float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.ChromaticSpectralCurve
Returns a CIE XYZ Color given x and y.
getYaw() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns an AngleF with the current yaw angle.
getYB() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the YB component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
getYG() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the YG component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
getYR() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the YR component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
getYW() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the YW component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
getZB() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the ZB component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
getZenithRelativeLuminance() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the Zenith relative luminance.
getZenithX() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the Zenith X.
getZenithY() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Returns the Zenith Y.
getZG() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the ZG component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
getZR() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the ZR component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
getZW() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Returns the ZW component of the matrix that converts from XYZ color space to RGB color space.
GlassMaterial - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material
A GlassMaterial is a Material implementation that represents the material of glass.
GlassMaterial() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.GlassMaterial
Constructs a new GlassMaterial instance.
GRAY - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
A Color denoting the color gray.
GREEN - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
A Color denoting the color green.


half() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a new AngleF instance that represents half of this AngleF instance.
hasEntered() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns true if, and only if, this AbstractApplication has been entered like an FPS-game, false otherwise.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Returns a hash code for this Setting instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns a hash code for this Color instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a hash code for this AngleF instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a hash code for this Matrix44F instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Returns a hash code for this OrthoNormalBasis33F instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point2F
Returns a hash code for this Point2F instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns a hash code for this Point3F instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a hash code for this Vector3F instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy
Returns a hash code for this BoundingVolumeHierarchy instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Returns a hash code for this LeafNode instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
Returns a hash code for this TreeNode instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ClearCoatMaterial
Returns a hash code for this ClearCoatMaterial instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.GlassMaterial
Returns a hash code for this GlassMaterial instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.LambertianMaterial
Returns a hash code for this LambertianMaterial instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.PhongMaterial
Returns a hash code for this PhongMaterial instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ReflectionMaterial
Returns a hash code for this ReflectionMaterial instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Returns a hash code for this Primitive instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
Returns a hash code for this Plane instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
Returns a hash code for this Sphere instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
Returns a hash code for this Terrain instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Returns a hash code for this Triangle instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Returns a hash code for this Vertex instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Returns a hash code for this TriangleMesh instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
Returns a hash code for this Surface instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Returns a hash code for this BlendTexture instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Returns a hash code for this CheckerboardTexture instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
Returns a hash code for this ConstantTexture instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Returns a hash code for this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns a hash code for this ImageTexture instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
Returns a hash code for this SurfaceNormalTexture instance.
hasOffsetA() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns true if, and only if, this ArrayComponentOrder has an offset for the A-component, false otherwise.
hasOffsetB() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns true if, and only if, this ArrayComponentOrder has an offset for the B-component, false otherwise.
hasOffsetG() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns true if, and only if, this ArrayComponentOrder has an offset for the G-component, false otherwise.
hasOffsetR() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns true if, and only if, this ArrayComponentOrder has an offset for the R-component, false otherwise.
hasRequestedToExit() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns true if, and only if, exit has been requested, false otherwise.
hasShiftA() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns true if, and only if, this PackedIntComponentOrder has a shift for the A-component, false otherwise.
hasShiftB() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns true if, and only if, this PackedIntComponentOrder has a shift for the B-component, false otherwise.
hasShiftG() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns true if, and only if, this PackedIntComponentOrder has a shift for the G-component, false otherwise.
hasShiftR() - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns true if, and only if, this PackedIntComponentOrder has a shift for the R-component, false otherwise.
hasUpdated() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns true if, and only if, the state of this Camera instance has been updated, false otherwise.


Image - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.util
This Image class represents an image that can be drawn to.
Image() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Constructs a new Image instance.
Image(int, int) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Constructs a new Image instance.
Image(int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Constructs a new Image instance.
Image(int, int, byte[], Image.ArrayComponentOrder) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Constructs a new Image instance.
Image(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Constructs a new Image instance.
Image(int, int, int[], Image.ArrayComponentOrder) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Constructs a new Image instance.
Image(int, int, int[], Image.PackedIntComponentOrder) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Constructs a new Image instance.
Image.ArrayComponentOrder - Enum in org.dayflower.pathtracer.util
An ArrayComponentOrder is used to tell us what order the R-, G-, B- and A-components are stored in arrays.
Image.PackedIntComponentOrder - Enum in org.dayflower.pathtracer.util
A PackedIntComponentOrder is used to tell us what order the R-, G-, B- and A-components are stored in an int, in a packed form.
ImageTest - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.test
ImageTexture - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture
An ImageTexture is a Texture implementation that models a texture based on an image.
indexOf(Point2F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Returns the index of point2F, or -1 if it does not exist.
indexOf(Point3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Returns the index of point3F, or -1 if it does not exist.
indexOf(Surface) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Returns the index of surface, or -1 if it does not exist.
indexOf(Texture) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Returns the index of texture, or -1 if it does not exist.
indexOf(Vector3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Returns the index of vector3F, or -1 if it does not exist.
INFINITY - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
A very large number.
init() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Initializes this TestApplication instance.
initialValue() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.FloatArrayThreadLocal
Returns a new float array.
inverse() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a new Matrix44F that represents the inverse of this Matrix44F instance.
IrregularSpectralCurve - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve
An IrregularSpectralCurve is an implementation of SpectralCurve that contains irregular spectral data.
IrregularSpectralCurve(float[], float[]) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.IrregularSpectralCurve
Constructs a new IrregularSpectralCurve instance.
isAmbientOcclusion() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, Ambient Occlusion is enabled, false otherwise.
isBlack() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns true if, and only if, this Color denotes the color black, false otherwise.
isCompilingExistingScene() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader.SceneLoader
Returns true if, and only if, compilation of existing scene is enabled, false otherwise.
isCursorHidden() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns true if, and only if, the cursor is hidden, false otherwise.
isDisabled() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Returns true if, and only if, this Setting is disabled, false otherwise.
isEffectGrayScale() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, the Grayscale effect is enabled, false otherwise.
isEffectSepiaTone() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, the Sepia Tone effect is enabled, false otherwise.
isEmissive() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Returns true if, and only if, this BlendTexture instance is emissive, false otherwise.
isEmissive() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Returns true if, and only if, this CheckerboardTexture instance is emissive, false otherwise.
isEmissive() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
Returns true if, and only if, this ConstantTexture instance is emissive, false otherwise.
isEmissive() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Returns true if, and only if, this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance is emissive, false otherwise.
isEmissive() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns true if, and only if, this ImageTexture instance is emissive, false otherwise.
isEmissive() - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Texture
Returns true if, and only if, this Texture instance is emissive, false otherwise.
isEmissive() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
Returns true if, and only if, this SurfaceNormalTexture instance is emissive, false otherwise.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Returns true if, and only if, this Setting is enabled, false otherwise.
isFisheyeCameraLens() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns true if, and only if, the Camera Lens parameter is set to Fisheye camera lens, false otherwise.
isIdentity() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns true if, and only if, this Matrix44F represents the identity matrix, false otherwise.
isKeyPressed() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns true if, and only if, at least one key is being pressed, false otherwise.
isKeyPressed(KeyCode) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns true if, and only if, the key denoted by keyCode is being pressed, false otherwise.
isKeyPressed(KeyCode, boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns true if, and only if, the key denoted by keyCode is being pressed, false otherwise.
isLeaf() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Returns true.
isLeaf() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns true if, and only if, this Node is a leaf node, false otherwise.
isLeaf() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
Returns false.
isMouseDragging() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns true if, and only if, the mouse is being dragged, false otherwise.
isMouseMoving() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns true if, and only if, the mouse is being moved, false otherwise.
isMouseRecentering() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Returns true if, and only if, mouse re-centering is being performed, false otherwise.
isNormalMapping() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, Normal Mapping is activaded, false otherwise.
isPathTracing() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, Path Tracing is enabled, false otherwise.
isRayCasting() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, Ray Casting is enabled, false otherwise.
isRayMarching() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, Ray Marching is enabled, false otherwise.
isRayTracing() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, Ray Tracing is enabled, false otherwise.
isRenderingWireframes() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, wireframe rendering is enabled, false otherwise.
isResetRequired() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, reset is required, false otherwise.
isShadingFlat() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, Flat Shading is used, false otherwise.
isShadingGouraud() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, Gouraud Shading is used, false otherwise.
isShowingClouds() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Returns true if, and only if, the sky is showing clouds, false otherwise.
isTangentSpace() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
Returns true if, and only if, this SurfaceNormalTexture shows the surface normal in tangent space, false otherwise.
isThinCameraLens() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns true if, and only if, the Camera Lens parameter is set to Thin camera lens, false otherwise.
isWalkLockEnabled() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Returns true if, and only if, walk lock is enabled, false otherwise.
isWithinRadius(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
Returns true if, and only if, the point denoted by x, y and z is within radius to this Sphere instance, false otherwise.
isWithinRadius(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
Returns true if, and only if, the point denoted by x, y and z is within radius to this Sphere instance, false otherwise.
isWithinSphereRadius(Point3F, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns true if, and only if, p is contained in the sphere defined with the center as this Point3F instance and a radius of radius, false otherwise.


JavaFX - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.application
A class that consists exclusively of static methods that operates on or returns JavaFX components.


lacunarity - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The global lacunarity.
LambertianMaterial - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material
A LambertianMaterial is a Material implementation that represents a Lambertian diffuse material.
LambertianMaterial() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.LambertianMaterial
Constructs a new LambertianMaterial instance.
LeafNode(int) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Constructs a new LeafNode instance.
leave() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Leaves the FPS-game mode.
length() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns the length of this Vector3F instance.
lengthSquared() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns the length of this Vector3F instance in squared form.
linear() - Static method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.ToneMapper
Returns a ToneMapper that implements the Linear Tone Mapping operator.
load(File) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Loads an ImageTexture from a file.
load(File, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Loads an ImageTexture from a file given an angle in degrees to rotate it.
load(File, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Loads an ImageTexture from a file given an angle in degrees to rotate it and the scale factors in the U- and V-directions.
load(File) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront.ObjectLoader
Loads a Wavefront Object (.obj) model.
load(File, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront.ObjectLoader
Loads a Wavefront Object (.obj) model.
load(File, float, BiFunction<String, String, Surface>) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront.ObjectLoader
Loads a Wavefront Object (.obj) model.
load(File, float, BiFunction<String, String, Surface>, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront.ObjectLoader
Loads a Wavefront Object (.obj) model.
load(File, float, Surface) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront.ObjectLoader
Loads a Wavefront Object (.obj) model.
load(String) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront.ObjectLoader
Loads a Wavefront Object (.obj) model.
load(String, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront.ObjectLoader
Loads a Wavefront Object (.obj) model.
load(String, float, BiFunction<String, String, Surface>) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront.ObjectLoader
Loads a Wavefront Object (.obj) model.
load(String, float, BiFunction<String, String, Surface>, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront.ObjectLoader
Loads a Wavefront Object (.obj) model.
load(String, float, Surface) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront.ObjectLoader
Loads a Wavefront Object (.obj) model.
loadCompiledScene() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader.SceneLoader
Returns a CompiledScene given the name provided by getName().
loadScene() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader.SceneLoader
Returns a Scene given the name provided by getName().
luminance() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the luminance of this Color instance.


MAGENTA - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
A Color denoting the color magenta.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Starts this program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.test.DynamicCompiledSceneTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.test.ImageTest
makeDisplayCompatible() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Makes this Color instance display compatible.
makeDisplayCompatible(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Makes this Color instance display compatible.
makeDisplayCompatible(float, ToneMapper) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Makes this Color instance display compatible.
makeDisplayCompatible(ToneMapper) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Makes this Color instance display compatible.
Material - Interface in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene
A Material represents a material of a surface.
MathF - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.math
A class that consists exclusively of static methods and constants for various mathematical operations.
Matrix44F - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.math
A Matrix44F denotes a matrix with four columns and four rows that is stored in row-major order.
Matrix44F() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Constructs a new Matrix44F instance representing the identity matrix.
Matrix44F(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Constructs a new Matrix44F instance given its element values.
Matrix44F(float[]) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Constructs a new Matrix44F instance given its element values.
Matrix44F(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Constructs a new Matrix44F instance given its element values.
max() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the maximum RGB-component value of this Color instance.
max(float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the greater value of a and b.
max(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the greater value of a, b and c.
max(int, int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the greater value of a and b.
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
The maximum Point3F.
maximum() - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the maximum Point3F.
maximum(Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the maximum Point3F given the bounds represented by a and b.
maximum(Point3F, Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the maximum Point3F given the bounds represented by a, b and c.
maximum(List<Triangle>) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Returns the maximum Point3F from the positions of the Triangles in the List triangles.
maximumX(Point3F, Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the maximum X-coordinate given the bounds represented by a, b and c.
maximumY(Point3F, Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the maximum Y-coordinate given the bounds represented by a, b and c.
maximumZ(Point3F, Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the maximum Z-coordinate given the bounds represented by a, b and c.
min() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the minimum RGB-component value of this Color instance.
min(float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the smaller value of a and b.
min(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the smaller value of a, b and c.
min(int, int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the smaller value of a and b.
MINIMUM - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
The minimum Point3F.
minimum() - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the minimum Point3F.
minimum(Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the minimum Point3F given the bounds represented by a and b.
minimum(Point3F, Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the minimum Point3F given the bounds represented by a, b and c.
minimum(List<Triangle>) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Returns the minimum Point3F from the positions of the Triangles in the List triangles.
minimumX(Point3F, Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the minimum X-coordinate given the bounds represented by a, b and c.
minimumY(Point3F, Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the minimum Y-coordinate given the bounds represented by a, b and c.
minimumZ(Point3F, Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns the minimum Z-coordinate given the bounds represented by a, b and c.
modulo(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the modulo of value.
modulo(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the value that is computed as value - floor(value).
multiply(Color) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Multiplies this Color instance with color.
multiply(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Multiplies the R-, G- and B-component values of this Color instance with s.
multiply(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Multiplies the R-, G- and B-component values of this Color instance with r, g and b, respectively.
multiply(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Multiplies the R-, G-, B- and A-component values of this Color instance with r, g, b and a, respectively.
multiply(Matrix44F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Multiplies this Matrix44F instance by matrix.
multiply(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Multiplies this Vector3F instance with s.


negate() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns a new Color instance with each RGB-component value negated.
negate() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Negates this Vector3F instance.
newCheckBox(String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.JavaFX
Returns a new CheckBox instance.
newCheckBox(String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>, boolean) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.JavaFX
Returns a new CheckBox instance.
newCheckMenuItem(String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.JavaFX
Returns a new CheckMenuItem instance.
newCheckMenuItem(String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>, boolean) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.JavaFX
Returns a new CheckMenuItem instance.
newMenu(String, MenuItem...) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.JavaFX
Returns a new Menu instance.
newMenuItem(String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.JavaFX
Returns a new MenuItem instance.
newRadioMenuItem(String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>, ToggleGroup, boolean) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.JavaFX
Returns a new RadioMenuItem instance.
newRegion(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.JavaFX
Returns a new Region instance.
newSlider(double, double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, ChangeListener<? super Number>) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.JavaFX
Returns a new Slider instance.
nextFloat() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed float value between 0.0 and 1.0 from the random number generator's sequence.
nextFloat() - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns a pseudorandom float value between 0.0F (inclusive) and 1.0F (exclusive).
noCL() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Called when this RendererKernel is run in JTP mode.
Node(int) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Constructs a new Node instance.
NODE_TYPE_LEAF - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy
The type number associated with a BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode.
NODE_TYPE_TREE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy
The type number associated with a BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode.
normal(Point3F, Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a Vector3F denoting the normal of the plane defined by a, b and c.
normal - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
The normal of this Vertex instance.
normalize() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Normalizes this Vector3F instance.
normalNormalized(Point3F, Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a Vector3F denoting the normalized normal of the plane defined by a, b and c.


ObjectLoader - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront
This ObjectLoader class is used for loading Wavefront Object (.obj) models into Primitive instances.
octaves - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The global octaves.
onComparisonBoundingVolumeHierarchyRootNode(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the BoundingVolumeHierarchy root BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Nodes.
onComparisonBoundingVolumeHierarchyRootNode(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the BoundingVolumeHierarchy root BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Nodes.
onComparisonBoundingVolumeHierarchyRootNode(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the BoundingVolumeHierarchy root BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Nodes.
onComparisonPlane(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Planes.
onComparisonPlane(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Planes.
onComparisonPlane(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Planes.
onComparisonPoint2F(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Point2Fs.
onComparisonPoint2F(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Point2Fs.
onComparisonPoint2F(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Point2Fs.
onComparisonPoint3F(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Point3Fs.
onComparisonPoint3F(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Point3Fs.
onComparisonPoint3F(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Point3Fs.
onComparisonPrimitive(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Primitives.
onComparisonPrimitive(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Primitives.
onComparisonPrimitive(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Primitives.
onComparisonSphere(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Spheres.
onComparisonSphere(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Spheres.
onComparisonSphere(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Spheres.
onComparisonSurface(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Surfaces.
onComparisonSurface(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Surfaces.
onComparisonSurface(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Surfaces.
onComparisonTerrain(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Terrains.
onComparisonTerrain(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Terrains.
onComparisonTerrain(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Terrains.
onComparisonTexture(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Textures.
onComparisonTexture(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Textures.
onComparisonTexture(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Textures.
onComparisonTriangle(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Triangles.
onComparisonTriangle(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Triangles.
onComparisonTriangle(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Triangles.
onComparisonTriangleMesh(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the TriangleMeshes.
onComparisonTriangleMesh(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the TriangleMeshes.
onComparisonTriangleMesh(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the TriangleMeshes.
onComparisonVector3F(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Vector3Fs.
onComparisonVector3F(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Vector3Fs.
onComparisonVector3F(Scene, long, int, int) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report statistics about the Vector3Fs.
onCompilationEnd(Scene, long) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report when the compilation process ends.
onCompilationEnd(Scene, long) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report when the compilation process ends.
onCompilationEnd(Scene, long) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report when the compilation process ends.
onCompilationStart(Scene, long) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.AbstractSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report when the compilation process starts.
onCompilationStart(Scene, long) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report when the compilation process starts.
onCompilationStart(Scene, long) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompilerObserver
Called by a SceneCompiler to report when the compilation process starts.
onExit() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Called before this AbstractApplication is finally exiting.
onExit() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called before this DayflowerApplication is finally exiting.
onMouseDragged(float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Called when the mouse is dragged.
onMouseDragged(float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called when the mouse is dragged.
onMouseMoved(float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Called when the mouse is moved.
onMouseMoved(float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called when the mouse is moved.
ORANGE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
A Color denoting the color orange.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.application - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.application
Provides the Application API.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.color - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.color
Provides the Color API.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace
Provides ColorSpace implementations.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve
Provides SpectralCurve implementations.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel
Provides the Kernel API.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.main - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.main
Provides the main entry-point for Dayflower - Path Tracer.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.math - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.math
Provides the Mathematics API.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene
Provides the Scene API.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh
Provides the Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) API.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler
Provides the Scene Compiler API.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader
Provides the Scene Loader API.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material
Provides Material implementations.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape
Provides Shape implementations.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture
Provides Texture implementations.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.wavefront
Provides an API for loading Wavefront Object (.obj) and Wavefront Material (.mtl) files.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.test - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.test
Provides test classes that will be removed in the future.
org.dayflower.pathtracer.util - package org.dayflower.pathtracer.util
Provides utilities that do not fit anywhere else.
OrthoNormalBasis33F - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.math
An OrthoNormalBasis33F denotes an orthonormal basis.
OrthoNormalBasis33F() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Constructs a new OrthoNormalBasis33F instance.
OrthoNormalBasis33F(Point3F, Point3F) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Constructs a new OrthoNormalBasis33F instance given eye and lookAt.
OrthoNormalBasis33F(Point3F, Point3F, Vector3F) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Constructs a new OrthoNormalBasis33F instance given eye, lookAt and v.
OrthoNormalBasis33F(Vector3F) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Constructs a new OrthoNormalBasis33F instance given w.
OrthoNormalBasis33F(Vector3F, Vector3F) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Constructs a new OrthoNormalBasis instance given w and v.
OrthoNormalBasis33F(Vector3F, Vector3F, Vector3F) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Constructs a new OrthoNormalBasis33F instance given w, v and u.


pack(int, int, int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns an int with r, g and b in a packed form.
pack(int, int, int, int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns an int with r, g, b and a in a packed form.
perlinNoiseXYZ(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns a float with noise computed by the Perlin algorithm using the coordinates X, Y and Z.
permutations - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
A permutations array used by the Perlin- and Simplex noise algorithms.
permutationsModulo12 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
A permutations array used by the Simplex noise algorithms.
perspective(AngleF, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a Matrix44F for perspective viewing.
PhongMaterial - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material
A PhongMaterial is a Material implementation that represents a Phong material that can be used for metallic or plastic surfaces.
PhongMaterial() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.PhongMaterial
Constructs a new PhongMaterial instance.
PhongMaterial(float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.PhongMaterial
Constructs a new PhongMaterial instance.
PI - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The float value that is closer than any other to pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
PI - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
A float representation of pi.
PI_DIVIDED_BY_180 - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The float value that is closer than any other to pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, divided by 180.0F.
PI_DIVIDED_BY_360 - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The float value that is closer than any other to pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, divided by 360.0F.
PI_DIVIDED_BY_FOUR - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
A float representation of pi divided by 4.0F.
PI_DIVIDED_BY_TWO - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
A float representation of pi divided by 2.0F.
PI_MULTIPLIED_BY_TWO - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The float value that is closer than any other to pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, multiplied by 2.0F.
PI_MULTIPLIED_BY_TWO - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
A float representation of pi multiplied by 2.0F.
PI_MULTIPLIED_BY_TWO_RECIPROCAL - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The reciprocal of the float value that is closer than any other to pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, multiplied by 2.0F.
PI_RECIPROCAL - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The reciprocal of the float value that is closer than any other to pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
PI_RECIPROCAL - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
A float representation of the reciprocal of pi.
pitch(Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a new pitch AngleF instance based on eye and lookAt.
pitch(Vector3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a new pitch AngleF instance based on direction.
pitchChanged(Camera, AngleF) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called by a Camera instance when its pitch has changed.
pitchChanged(Camera, AngleF) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.CameraObserver
Called by a Camera instance when its pitch has changed.
Plane - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape
A Shape implementation that implements a plane.
Plane(Point3F, Point3F, Point3F) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
Constructs a new Plane instance.
Point2F - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.math
A Point2F denotes a point in 2D-space.
Point2F() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point2F
Constructs a new Point2F instance.
Point2F(float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point2F
Constructs a new Point2F instance given its coordinates.
Point3F - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.math
A Point3 denotes a point in 3D-space.
Point3F() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Constructs a new Point3F instance.
Point3F(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Constructs a new Point3F instance given its coordinates.
Point3F(Vector3F) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Constructs a new Point3F instance given a Vector3F.
pointAt(Vector3F, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns a Point3F offset from this Point3F in the direction of v and with the distance of t.
position - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
The position of this Vertex instance.
pow(Color) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns a new Color instance with the R-, G- and B-component values of this Color instance raised to the power of the R-, G- and B-component values of color, respectively.
pow(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns a new Color instance with the R-, G- and B-component values of this Color instance raised to the power of exponent.
pow(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns a new Color instance with the R-, G- and B-component values of this Color instance raised to the power of r, g and b, respectively.
pow(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns a new Color instance with the R-, G-, B- and A-component values of this Color instance raised to the power of r, g, b and a, respectively.
pow(float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns base raised to the power of exponent.
Primitive - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene
A Primitive represents a primitive that is associated with a Shape and a Surface.
Primitive(Shape, Surface) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Constructs a new Primitive instance.
Primitive(Shape, Surface, Matrix44F) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Constructs a new Primitive instance.
PrintingSceneCompilerObserver - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler
A PrintingSceneCompilerObserver is an implementation of SceneCompilerObserver that prints the progress to System.out.
PrintingSceneCompilerObserver() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.PrintingSceneCompilerObserver
Constructs a new PrintingSceneCompilerObserver instance.
prune() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Prunes the structures of this DynamicCompiledScene instance.


r - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
The value of the red component (R).
radians - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
The angle in radians.
radians(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a new AngleF instance based on an angle in radians.
radians(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a new AngleF instance based on an angle in radians and an interval of valid radians.
radiansMaximum - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
The maximum angle in radians.
radiansMinimum - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
The minimum angle in radians.
random(int, int, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns a randomly generated ImageTexture based on its width and height.
Ranges - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.util
A class that consists exclusively of static methods that performs clamping and other range-specific operations.
read(DataInputStream) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Reads the data provided by dataInputStream into a CompiledScene instance.
read(File) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Reads the data provided by a file represented by file into a CompiledScene instance.
read(String) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Reads the data provided by a file represented by filename into a CompiledScene instance.
readA(byte[], int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns an int with the A-component, or 255 if it does not have an offset for the A-component.
readA(int[], int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns an int with the A-component, or 255 if it does not have an offset for the A-component.
readB(byte[], int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns an int with the B-component, or 0 if it does not have an offset for the B-component.
readB(int[], int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns an int with the B-component, or 0 if it does not have an offset for the B-component.
readFloatArray(DataInputStream) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Arrays2
Reads float values from dataInputStream and adds them to a float[].
readFloatArray(DataInputStream, float[]) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Arrays2
Reads float values from dataInputStream and adds them to array.
readG(byte[], int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns an int with the G-component, or 0 if it does not have an offset for the G-component.
readG(int[], int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns an int with the G-component, or 0 if it does not have an offset for the G-component.
readIntArray(DataInputStream) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Arrays2
Reads int values from dataInputStream and adds them to an int[].
readR(byte[], int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns an int with the R-component, or 0 if it does not have an offset for the R-component.
readR(int[], int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns an int with the R-component, or 0 if it does not have an offset for the R-component.
RED - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
A Color denoting the color red.
redoGammaCorrection(ColorSpace) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Call this method to redo Gamma Correction using the specified ColorSpace.
redoGammaCorrection(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.ColorSpace
Call this method to redo Gamma Correction on value.
redoGammaCorrection(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Call this method to redo Gamma Correction on value.
redoGammaCorrection() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Performs a Gamma Correction redo operation.
referencesTo(Point2F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Returns the number of references to point2F.
referencesTo(Point3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Returns the number of references to point3F.
referencesTo(Surface) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Returns the number of references to surface.
referencesTo(Texture) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Returns the number of references to texture.
referencesTo(Vector3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Returns the number of references to vector3F.
ReflectionMaterial - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material
A ReflectionMaterial is a Material implementation that represents a reflective material that can be used for mirrors.
ReflectionMaterial() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ReflectionMaterial
Constructs a new ReflectionMaterial instance.
RegularSpectralCurve - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve
A RegularSpectralCurve is an implementation of SpectralCurve that contains regular spectral data.
RegularSpectralCurve(float, float, float[]) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.RegularSpectralCurve
Constructs a new RegularSpectralCurve instance.
reinhard() - Static method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.ToneMapper
Returns a ToneMapper that implements the Reinhard Tone Mapping operator.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_A_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
The relative offset of the A Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_A_POSITION_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
The relative offset of the A Position Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_A_SURFACE_NORMAL_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
The relative offset of the A Surface Normal Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_A_TEXTURE_COORDINATES_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
The relative offset of the A Texture Coordinates Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_ADDEND - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
The relative offset of the Addend parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_B_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
The relative offset of the B Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_B_POSITION_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
The relative offset of the B Position Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_B_SURFACE_NORMAL_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
The relative offset of the B Surface Normal Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_B_TEXTURE_COORDINATES_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
The relative offset of the B Texture Coordinates Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_C_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
The relative offset of the C Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_C_POSITION_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
The relative offset of the C Position Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_C_SURFACE_NORMAL_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
The relative offset of the C Surface Normal Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_C_TEXTURE_COORDINATES_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
The relative offset of the C Texture Coordinates Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_COLOR - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
The relative offset of the Color parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_COLOR_0 - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
The relative offset of the Color 0 parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_COLOR_1 - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
The relative offset of the Color 1 parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_DATA - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
The relative offset of the Data parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
The relative offset of the Factor parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_FREQUENCY - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
The relative offset of the Frequency parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_FREQUENCY - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
The relative offset of the Frequency parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_GAIN - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
The relative offset of the Gain parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_GAIN - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
The relative offset of the Gain parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
The relative offset of the Height parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_IS_TANGENT_SPACE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
The relative offset of the Is Tangent Space parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_MATERIAL - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
The relative offset of the Material parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_MAXIMUM - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
The relative offset of the Maximum parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_MINIMUM - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
The relative offset of the Minimum parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_MULTIPLIER - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
The relative offset of the Multiplier parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_NOISE_AMOUNT - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
The relative offset of the Noise Amount parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_NOISE_SCALE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
The relative offset of the Noise Scale parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_OCTAVES - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
The relative offset of the Octaves parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_OCTAVES - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
The relative offset of the Octaves parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_POSITION_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
The relative offset of the Position Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_RADIANS_COS - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
The relative offset of the Radians Cos parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_RADIANS_COS - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
The relative offset of the Radians Cos parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_RADIANS_SIN - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
The relative offset of the Radians Sin parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_RADIANS_SIN - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
The relative offset of the Radians Sin parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
The relative offset of the Radius parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_SCALE_U - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
The relative offset of the Scale U parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_SCALE_U - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
The relative offset of the Scale U parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_SCALE_V - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
The relative offset of the Scale V parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_SCALE_V - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
The relative offset of the Scale V parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_SHAPE_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
The relative offset of the Shape Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_SHAPE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
The relative offset of the Shape Type parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Texture
The relative offset of the Size parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_SURFACE_NORMAL_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
The relative offset of the Surface Normal Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_SURFACE_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
The relative offset of the Surface Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_TEXTURE_A_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
The relative offset of the Texture A Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
The relative offset of the Texture Albedo Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_TEXTURE_B_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
The relative offset of the Texture B Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_TEXTURE_EMISSION_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
The relative offset of the Texture Emission Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_TEXTURE_NORMAL_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
The relative offset of the Texture Normal Offset parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Texture
The relative offset of the Type parameter in the float array.
RELATIVE_OFFSET_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
The relative offset of the Width parameter in the float array.
remainder(float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the remainder of x and y.
remove(Point2F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Removes point2F from this DynamicCompiledScene instance, if it exists.
remove(Point3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Removes point3F from this DynamicCompiledScene instance, if it exists.
remove(Surface) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Removes surface from this DynamicCompiledScene instance, if it exists.
remove(Texture) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Removes texture from this DynamicCompiledScene instance, if it exists.
remove(Vector3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.DynamicCompiledScene
Removes vector3F from this DynamicCompiledScene instance, if it exists.
removeCameraObserver(CameraObserver) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Removes cameraObserver from this Camera instance.
removePrimitive(Primitive) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Scene
Removes primitive from this Scene instance.
removePrimitives(Collection<Primitive>) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Scene
Removes all Primitives in primitives from this Scene instance.
removeSceneCompilerObserver(SceneCompilerObserver) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompiler
Removes sceneCompilerObserver from this SceneCompiler instance.
removeTriangle(Triangle) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Removes triangle from this LeafNode instance.
render() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Called when rendering.
render() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called when rendering.
RendererKernel - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel
An extension of the AbstractKernel class that performs Path Tracing, Ray Casting and Ray Marching.
RendererKernel(int, int, SceneLoader) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Constructs a new RendererKernel instance.
repeat(String, int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Strings
Returns a String that consists of string repeated repetition times.
requireRange(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Ranges
Returns value, but only if it is within the range of minimum (inclusive) and maximum (inclusive).
requireRange(float, float, float, String) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Ranges
Returns value, but only if it is within the range of minimum (inclusive) and maximum (inclusive).
reset() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Resets this RendererKernel instance.
restart() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Restarts this Timer instance.
restart(long) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Restarts this Timer instance.
RGBColorSpace - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace
The RGBColorSpace class is an implementation of ColorSpace and represents an RGB color space.
rotate(Vector3F, Vector3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a Matrix44F for rotating along the X-, Y- and Z-axes.
rotate(Vector3F, Vector3F, Vector3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a Matrix44F for rotating along the X-, Y- and Z-axes.
rotate(Vector3F, Vector3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Rotates this Triangle instance.
rotateX(AngleF) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a Matrix44F for rotating along the X-axis.
rotateY(AngleF) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a Matrix44F for rotating along the Y-axis.
rotateZ(AngleF) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a Matrix44F for rotating along the Z-axis.
run() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.ConvolutionKernel
Runs this ConvolutionKernel instance.
run() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Performs the Path Tracing.


sample(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.ChromaticSpectralCurve
Returns a sample based on the wavelength lambda in nanometers.
sample(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.ConstantSpectralCurve
Returns a sample based on the wavelength lambda in nanometers.
sample(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.IrregularSpectralCurve
Returns a sample based on the wavelength lambda in nanometers.
sample(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.spectralcurve.RegularSpectralCurve
Returns a sample based on the wavelength lambda in nanometers.
sample(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.SpectralCurve
Returns a sample based on the wavelength lambda in nanometers.
saturate(float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Saturates this Color instance, such that each component value will lie in the range [min, max].
saturate(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Performs saturation arithmetic on value.
saturate(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns a saturated (or clamped) value based on value.
saturate(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns a saturated (or clamped) value based on value.
saturate(int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns a saturated (or clamped) value based on value.
saturate(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns a saturated (or clamped) value based on value.
save(File) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Saves this Image as a .PNG image to the file represented by file.
save(String) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Saves this Image as a .PNG image to the file represented by the filename filename.
scale(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a Matrix44F for scaling.
scale(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Scales this Triangle instance.
Scene - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene
A Scene contains various Shapes and Textures.
Scene(String) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Scene
Constructs a new empty Scene instance.
SceneCompiler - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler
A class that compiles Scenes so they can be used by Dayflower - Path Tracer.
SceneCompiler() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.SceneCompiler
Constructs a new SceneCompiler instance.
SceneCompilerObserver - Interface in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler
A SceneCompilerObserver can be added to a SceneCompiler to observe the compilation process.
SceneLoader - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader
A class that loads Scenes and CompiledScenes.
SceneLoader() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader.SceneLoader
Constructs a new SceneLoader instance.
SceneLoader(File) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader.SceneLoader
Constructs a new SceneLoader instance.
SceneLoader(File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader.SceneLoader
Constructs a new SceneLoader instance.
SceneLoader(File, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader.SceneLoader
Constructs a new SceneLoader instance.
seeds - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The seed array used by this AbstractKernel instance.
set(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Enables or disables this Setting instance.
set() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Sets the sun and sky parameters.
set(Vector3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Sets the sun and sky parameters.
set(Vector3F, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Sets the sun and sky parameters.
setAmbientOcclusion(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets whether Ambient Occlusion should be enabled or disabled.
setAmplitude(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Sets the global amplitude
setApertureRadius(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets the value of the Aperture Radius parameter.
setArray(float[]) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets the float array to store certain parameters.
setCameraLens(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets the value for the Camera Lens parameter.
setCanvasHeight(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Sets a new canvas height.
setCanvasWidth(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Sets a new canvas width.
setColor(int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Sets the color of x and y to r, g and b.
setColor(int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Sets the color of x and y to r, g, b and a.
setCursorHidden(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Sets whether the cursor should be hidden or shown.
setEffectGrayScale(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Enables or disables the Grayscale effect.
setEffectSepiaTone(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Enables or disables the Sepia Tone effect.
setEye(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets the values for the Eye X, Eye Y and Eye Z parameters.
setFieldOfViewX(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets the value for the Field of View X parameter and calculates the value for the Field of View Y parameter.
setFisheyeCameraLens(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets the value for the Camera Lens parameter.
setFocalDistance(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets the value for the Focal Distance parameter.
setFrequency(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Sets the global frequency
setGain(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Sets the global gain
setKernelHeight(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Sets a new kernel height.
setKernelWidth(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Sets a new kernel width.
setLacunarity(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Sets the global lacunarity
setLeft(BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
setMaximum(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Sets the maximum bound for this Node instance.
setMinimum(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Sets the minimum bound for this Node instance.
setMouseRecentering(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Sets the mouse re-centering.
setName(String) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.loader.SceneLoader
Sets the scene name.
setNormalMapping(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets the Normal Mapping state.
setObjectToWorld(Matrix44F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Sets the Matrix44F to transform from object-space to world-space and updates the Matrix44F to transform from world-space to object-space.
setOctaves(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Sets the global octaves
setPathTracing(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets whether Path Tracing should be enabled or disabled.
setPitch(AngleF) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets pitch as the current pitch angle.
setPosition(Point3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Sets a new position.
setRayCasting(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets whether Ray Casting should be enabled or disabled.
setRayMarching(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets whether Ray Marching should be enabled or disabled.
setRayTracing(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets whether Ray Tracing should be enabled or disabled.
setRendererAOMaximumDistance(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets the maximum distance for Ambient Occlusion.
setRendererPTRayDepthMaximum(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets the maximum ray depth for Path Tracing.
setRendererPTRayDepthRussianRoulette(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets the ray depth to begin Russian Roulette path termination for Path Tracing.
setRenderingWireframes(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets whether wireframe rendering should be enabled or disabled.
setResolution(float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets the values for the Resolution X and Resolution Y parameters.
setRight(BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
setSelectedPrimitiveOffset(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets the selected primitive offset.
setShadingFlat() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets Flat Shading.
setShadingGouraud() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets Gouraud Shading.
setShape(Shape) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Sets the Shape for this Primitive instance.
setShowingClouds(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets whether the sky is showing clouds or not.
setSunDirectionWorldX(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Sets the X-coordinate of the sun direction in world-space and updates the parameters.
setSunDirectionWorldY(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Sets the Y-coordinate of the sun direction in world-space and updates the parameters.
setSunDirectionWorldZ(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Sets the Z-coordinate of the sun direction in world-space and updates the parameters.
setSurface(Surface) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Sets the Surface for this Primitive instance.
setThinCameraLens(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets the value for the Camera Lens parameter.
Setting(String) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Constructs a new Setting instance.
Setting(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Constructs a new Setting instance.
setToneMapperExposure(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets the exposure for the Tone Mappers.
setToneMappingAndGammaCorrectionFilmicCurve1() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets the Tone Mapping and Gamma Correction to Filmic Curve version 1.
setToneMappingAndGammaCorrectionFilmicCurve2() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets the Tone Mapping and Gamma Correction to Filmic Curve version 2.
setToneMappingAndGammaCorrectionLinear() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets the Tone Mapping and Gamma Correction to Linear.
setToneMappingAndGammaCorrectionReinhard1() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets the Tone Mapping and Gamma Correction to Reinhard version 1.
setToneMappingAndGammaCorrectionReinhard2() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Sets the Tone Mapping and Gamma Correction to Reinhard version 2.
setTurbidity(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Sets the turbidity and updates the parameters.
setWalkLockEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets the walk lock state.
setWorldToObject(Matrix44F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Sets the Matrix44F to transform from world-space to object-space and updates the Matrix44F to transform from object-space to world-space.
setYaw(AngleF) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Sets yaw as the current yaw angle.
Shape - Interface in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene
A Shape is a model of a shape.
simplexFractalXY(float, float, float, float, int, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns a float with noise computed by a Simplex-based fractal algorithm using the coordinates X and Y.
simplexFractalXYZ(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns a float with noise computed by a Simplex-based fractal algorithm using the coordinates X, Y and Z.
simplexFractalXYZW(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns a float with noise computed by a Simplex-based fractal algorithm using the coordinates X, Y, Z and W.
simplexFractionalBrownianMotionXY(float, float, float, float, int, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns a float with noise computed by a Simplex-based fractional Brownian motion (fBm) algorithm using the coordinates X and Y.
simplexFractionalBrownianMotionXYZ(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns a float with noise computed by a Simplex-based fractional Brownian motion (fBm) algorithm using the coordinates X, Y and Z.
simplexFractionalBrownianMotionXYZW(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns a float with noise computed by a Simplex-based fractional Brownian motion (fBm) algorithm using the coordinates X, Y, Z and W.
simplexGradient3 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
A gradient array used by the Simplex noise algorithms.
simplexGradient4 - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
A gradient array used by the Simplex noise algorithms.
simplexNoiseXY(float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns a float with noise computed by the Simplex algorithm using the coordinates X and Y.
simplexNoiseXYZ(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns a float with noise computed by the Simplex algorithm using the coordinates X, Y and Z.
simplexNoiseXYZW(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns a float with noise computed by the Simplex algorithm using the coordinates X, Y, Z and W.
sin(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the trigonometric sine of angle.
sinDegrees(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the sine of the angle degrees.
sinRadians(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Returns the sine of the angle radians.
sinTable - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
The sine table (array) used by this AbstractKernel instance.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
A constant containing the size of the float array.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
The size of a Primitive in the float array.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
The size of a Plane in the float array.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
The size of a Sphere in the float array.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
The size of a Terrain in the float array.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
The size of a Triangle in the float array.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
The size of a Surface in the float array.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
The size of a BlendTexture in the float array.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
The size of a CheckerboardTexture in the float array.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
The size of a ConstantTexture in the float array.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
The size of a FractionalBrownianMotionTexture in the float array.
SIZE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
The size of a SurfaceNormalTexture in the float array.
Sky - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene
This Sky class implements the Perez Sun and Sky Model.
Sky() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Sky
Constructs a new Sky instance.
solveQuadraticSystem(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Attempts to solve the quadratic system based on the values a, b and c.
SpectralCurve - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.color
A SpectralCurve is used for sampled or analytic spectral data.
SpectralCurve() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.SpectralCurve
Constructs a new SpectralCurve instance.
Sphere - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape
A Shape implementation that implements a sphere.
Sphere(Point3F) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
Constructs a new Sphere instance.
Sphere(Point3F, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
Constructs a new Sphere instance.
sqrt() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns a new Color instance with the square root performed on each RGB-component value.
sqrt(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of value.
SRGB - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
An RGBColorSpace for the sRGB color space.
start(Stage) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Starts this AbstractApplication instance.
strafe(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Moves this Camera instance to the left or right with distance units.
Strings - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.util
A class that consists exclusively of static methods that operates on or returns Strings.
subtract(Color) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Subtracts this Color instance with color.
subtract(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Subtracts s from the R-, G- and B-component values of this Color instance.
subtract(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Subtracts the R-, G- and B-component values of this Color instance with r, g and b, respectively.
subtract(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Subtracts the R-, G-, B- and A-component values of this Color instance with r, g, b and a, respectively.
subtract(AngleF) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Subtracts angle from this AngleF instance.
subtract(Vector3F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Subtracts v from this Vector3F instance.
Surface - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene
A Surface is a model of a surface with different properties.
Surface(Material, Texture, Texture, Texture) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
Constructs a new Surface instance.
Surface(Material, Texture, Texture, Texture, float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
Constructs a new Surface instance.
surfaceNormal - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
The surface normal.
SurfaceNormalTexture - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture
A SurfaceNormalTexture is a Texture implementation that shows the surface normal at a surface.
SurfaceNormalTexture() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
Constructs a new SurfaceNormalTexture instance.
SurfaceNormalTexture(boolean) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
Constructs a new SurfaceNormalTexture instance.
swapUV() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Swaps the U- and V-directions.
swapUW() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Swaps the U- and W-directions.
swapVU() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Swaps the V- and U-directions.
swapVW() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Swaps the V- and W-directions.
swapWU() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Swaps the W- and U-directions.
swapWV() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Swaps the W- and V-directions.


tan(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns the trigonometric tangent of angle.
Terrain - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape
A Shape implementation that implements a noise-based terrain.
Terrain(float, float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
Constructs a new Terrain instance.
Texture - Interface in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene
A Texture is a model of a texture.
textureCoordinates - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
The texture coordinates of this Vertex instance.
Timer - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.util
A Timer represents a timer that can be used to measure the time that an activity has taken so far.
Timer() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Constructs a new Timer instance and starts it.
Timer(long) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Timer
Constructs a new Timer instance and starts it.
toA(int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the A component value of aRGB.
toARGB() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns an int representation of the ARGB-component values of this Color instance.
toArray() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Returns a float array representation of this BlendTexture instance.
toArray() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Returns a float array representation of this CheckerboardTexture instance.
toArray() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
Returns a float array representation of this ConstantTexture instance.
toArray() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Returns a float array representation of this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance.
toArray() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns a float array representation of this ImageTexture instance.
toArray() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
Returns a float array representation of this SurfaceNormalTexture instance.
toArray() - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Texture
Returns a float array representation of this Texture instance.
toArray1D() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns this Matrix44F as a one-dimensional float array in row-major order.
toArray2D() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns this Matrix44F as a two-dimensional float array in row-major order.
toB(int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the B component value of rGB.
toBufferedImage() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns a BufferedImage representation of this Image instance.
toByteArray() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns a byte array representation of this Image instance.
toByteArray(Image.ArrayComponentOrder) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns a byte array representation of this Image instance.
toDegrees(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees from an angle measured in radians.
toFloat(double) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns a float representation of a double value.
toFloatArray(List<T>, Function<T, float[]>) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Arrays2
Returns a larger float[] by merging smaller float[] together.
toFloatArray(List<T>, Function<T, float[]>, int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Arrays2
Returns a larger float[] by merging smaller float[] together.
toG(int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the G component value of rGB.
toggle() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Toggles this Setting instance.
toggleClouds() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Toggles the visibility for the clouds in the sky.
toggleMaterial() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Toggles the material for the selected shape.
toggleRenderer() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Toggles to the next renderer.
toggleShading() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Toggles to the next shading.
toggleSunAndSky() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Toggles the sun and sky.
toIntArray(List<T>, Function<T, int[]>) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Arrays2
Returns a larger int[] by merging smaller int[] together.
toIntArray(List<T>, Function<T, int[]>, int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Arrays2
Returns a larger int[] by merging smaller int[] together.
toIntArray() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns an int array representation of this Image instance.
toIntArray(Image.PackedIntComponentOrder) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image
Returns an int array representation of this Image instance.
toList(List<BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node>) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Returns a List with all Nodes added in a depth-first order.
toList() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns a List with all Nodes added in a depth-first order.
toList(List<BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node>) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns a List with all Nodes added in a depth-first order.
toList(List<BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node>) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
Returns a List with all Nodes added in a depth-first order.
ToneMapper - Interface in org.dayflower.pathtracer.color
A ToneMapper is an abstraction of a Tone Mapping operator to be applied on a Color.
toNonScientificNotation(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Strings
Returns a String representation of value without scientific notation.
toR(int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns the R component value of rGB.
toRadians(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians from an angle measured in degrees.
toRGB() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns an int representation of the RGB-component values of this Color instance.
toRGB(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns an int with the R-, G- and B-component values.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication.Setting
Returns a String representation of this Setting instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Returns a String representation of this Color instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a String representation of this AngleF instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a String representation of this Matrix44F instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Returns a String representation of this OrthoNormalBasis33F instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point2F
Returns a String representation of this Point2F instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Returns a String representation of this Point3F instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a String representation of this Vector3F instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Returns a String representation of this LeafNode instance.
toString(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.LeafNode
Returns a String representation of this LeafNode instance.
toString(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node
Returns a String representation of this Node instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
Returns a String representation of this TreeNode instance.
toString(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
Returns a String representation of this TreeNode instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ClearCoatMaterial
Returns a String representation of this ClearCoatMaterial instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.GlassMaterial
Returns a String representation of this GlassMaterial instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.LambertianMaterial
Returns a String representation of this LambertianMaterial instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.PhongMaterial
Returns a String representation of this PhongMaterial instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ReflectionMaterial
Returns a String representation of this ReflectionMaterial instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Primitive
Returns a String representation of this Primitive instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
Returns a String representation of this Plane instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
Returns a String representation of this Sphere instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Returns a String representation of this Triangle instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Returns a String representation of this Vertex instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Returns a String representation of this TriangleMesh instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Surface
Returns a String representation of this Surface instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
Returns a String representation of this BlendTexture instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
Returns a String representation of this CheckerboardTexture instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
Returns a String representation of this ConstantTexture instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
Returns a String representation of this FractionalBrownianMotionTexture instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Returns a String representation of this ImageTexture instance.
toString() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
Returns a String representation of this SurfaceNormalTexture instance.
toXYZ() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.SpectralCurve
Returns a CIE XYZ Color.
transform(Matrix44F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
Performs a transformation.
transform(Matrix44F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Performs a transformation.
transform(Matrix44F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Performs a transformation.
transform(OrthoNormalBasis33F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Performs a transformation.
transform(Matrix44F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Transforms this Vertex given the Matrix44F m.
transformAndDivide(Matrix44F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Performs a transformation and a divide.
transformReverse(OrthoNormalBasis33F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Performs a transformation in reverse order.
transformTranspose(Matrix44F) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Performs a transformation in transpose order.
translate(Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a Matrix44F for translation.
translate(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a Matrix44F for translation.
translate(float, float, float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Translates this Triangle instance.
translateX(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Performs a translation on the X-axis.
translateX(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Translates this Triangle instance in the X-direction.
translateX(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Translates this Vertex in the X-direction.
translateY(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Performs a translation on the Y-axis.
translateY(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Translates this Triangle instance in the Y-direction.
translateY(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Translates this Vertex in the Y-direction.
translateZ(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
Performs a translation on the Z-axis.
translateZ(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Translates this Triangle instance in the Z-direction.
translateZ(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Translates this Vertex in the Z-direction.
TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
A Color denoting total transparency.
transpose() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Matrix44F
Returns a new Matrix44F that represents the transpose of this Matrix44F instance.
TreeNode(int) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.bvh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeNode
Constructs a new TreeNode instance.
Triangle - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape
A Shape implementation that implements a triangle.
Triangle(Triangle.Vertex, Triangle.Vertex, Triangle.Vertex) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
Constructs a new Triangle instance.
Triangle.Vertex - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape
A Vertex represents a vertex in a Triangle.
TriangleMesh - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape
A TriangleMesh represents a triangle mesh.
TriangleMesh(List<Triangle>) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Constructs a new TriangleMesh instance.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ClearCoatMaterial
The type number associated with a ClearCoatMaterial.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.GlassMaterial
The type number associated with a GlassMaterial.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.LambertianMaterial
The type number associated with a LambertianMaterial.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.PhongMaterial
The type number associated with a PhongMaterial.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.material.ReflectionMaterial
The type number associated with a ReflectionMaterial.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Plane
The type number associated with a Plane.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Sphere
The type number associated with a Sphere.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Terrain
The type number associated with a Terrain.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle
The type number associated with a Triangle.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
The type number associated with a TriangleMesh.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.BlendTexture
The type number associated with a BlendTexture.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.CheckerboardTexture
The type number associated with a CheckerboardTexture.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ConstantTexture
The type number associated with a ConstantTexture.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.FractionalBrownianMotionTexture
The type number associated with a FractionalBrownianMotionTexture.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
The type number associated with a ImageTexture.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.SurfaceNormalTexture
The type number associated with a SurfaceNormalTexture.


u - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
A Vector3F pointing in the U-direction.
undoGammaCorrection(ColorSpace) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
Call this method to undo Gamma Correction using the specified ColorSpace.
undoGammaCorrection(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.colorspace.RGBColorSpace
Call this method to undo Gamma Correction on value.
undoGammaCorrection(float) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.ColorSpace
Call this method to undo Gamma Correction on value.
undoGammaCorrection() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.texture.ImageTexture
Performs a Gamma Correction undo operation.
unpackA(int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns an int with the unpacked A-component, or 255 if it could not unpack.
unpackB(int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns an int with the unpacked B-component, or 0 if it could not unpack.
unpackG(int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns an int with the unpacked G-component, or 0 if it could not unpack.
unpackR(int) - Method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns an int with the unpacked R-component, or 0 if it could not unpack.
update() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.application.AbstractApplication
Called when updating.
update(int, int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.AbstractKernel
Updates all necessary variables in this AbstractKernel instance.
update() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.ConvolutionKernel
Updates the arrays.
update() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called when updating.
update() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.Camera
Updates the OrthoNormal Basis parameter using the current pitch and yaw angles and clears the update flag.
update() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.FPSCounter
Updates this FPSCounter.
updateLocalVariables(int) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Updates the local variables.
updateResetStatus() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Updates the reset status.
updateSky() - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.kernel.RendererKernel
Updates the variables related to the Sky.


v - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
A Vector3F pointing in the V-direction.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.ArrayComponentOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Image.PackedIntComponentOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Vector3F - Class in org.dayflower.pathtracer.math
A Vector3F denotes a 3-dimensional vector with elements denoted by X, Y and Z.
Vector3F() - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Constructs a new Vector3F instance given its element values 0.0F, 0.0F and 0.0F.
Vector3F(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Constructs a new Vector3F instance given its element values x, y and z.
Vector3F(Point3F) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Constructs a new Vector3F instance given a Point3F.
Vertex(Point2F, Point3F, Vector3F) - Constructor for class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.shape.Triangle.Vertex
Constructs a new Vertex instance.


w - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.OrthoNormalBasis33F
A Vector3F pointing in the W-direction.
WHITE - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
A Color denoting the color white.
wrapAround(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.MathF
Returns value or its wrapped around representation.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Writes this CompiledScene instance to dataOutputStream.
write(File) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Writes this CompiledScene instance to the file represented by file.
write(String) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.compiler.CompiledScene
Writes this CompiledScene instance to the file represented by filename.
writeFloatArray(DataOutputStream, float[]) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Arrays2
Writes the float values of array into dataOutputStream.
writeIntArray(DataOutputStream, int[]) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.util.Arrays2
Writes the int values of array into dataOutputStream.


x - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point2F
The X-coordinate.
x - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
The X-coordinate.
x - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
The element value along the X-axis.
x() - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a new Vector3F instance equivalent to new Vector3F(1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F).
x(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a new Vector3F instance equivalent to new Vector3F(x, 0.0F, 0.0F).


y - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point2F
The Y-coordinate.
y - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
The Y-coordinate.
y - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
The element value along the Y-axis.
y() - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a new Vector3F instance equivalent to new Vector3F(0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F).
y(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a new Vector3F instance equivalent to new Vector3F(0.0F, y, 0.0F).
yaw(Point3F, Point3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a new yaw AngleF instance based on eye and lookAt.
yaw(Vector3F) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.AngleF
Returns a new yaw AngleF instance based on direction.
yawChanged(Camera, AngleF) - Method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.main.DayflowerApplication
Called by a Camera instance when its yaw has changed.
yawChanged(Camera, AngleF) - Method in interface org.dayflower.pathtracer.scene.CameraObserver
Called by a Camera instance when its yaw has changed.
YELLOW - Static variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.color.Color
A Color denoting the color yellow.


z - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Point3F
The Z-coordinate.
z - Variable in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
The element value along the Z-axis.
z() - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a new Vector3F instance equivalent to new Vector3F(0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F).
z(float) - Static method in class org.dayflower.pathtracer.math.Vector3F
Returns a new Vector3F instance equivalent to new Vector3F(0.0F, 0.0F, z).
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